"A January themed musical submission to the universal desirability of goodness with astrological and planetary motifs."
Gregory Bortnichak cello
Matt Evans glockenspiel, vibraphone, marimba
Brian Iele mix treatment and mastering
Ross Fish electronic drums (Track 02)
Landon Peer vocals, engineer, producer
Alyssa Klash spoken word
Caitlin Servilio cover art
Inspired by Roland Barthes' book "A Lover's Discourse: Fragments", "A Lover's Eristic" is a collection of songs investigating the nature of romantic love and related philosophies. It was written in the spring of 2021 and recorded in the summer of the same year.
Joanna Schubert vocals
Anthony Carlson violin
Landon Peer vocals. woodwinds, guitar, keyboards
produced and engineered by Landon Peer
mastering by Brian Iele
Alyssa Klash cover art